Mercury PorosimetryIntroduction to Mercury PorosimetrySample Selection and HandlingSample Analysis Gas SorptionIntroduction to Gas Sorption IsothermsIntroduction to BET Surface AreaKrypton vs Nitrogen BET Surface AreaCalculation of BET Surface Area from Gas Adsorption IsothermsTypes of Gas Adsorption and Desorption IsothermsInterpretation of Gas Adsorption / Desorption IsothermsHysteresis in Gas Sorption IsothermsGas PycnometryHow to Measure Absolute / True DensityHow to Measure Bulk / Envelope DensityThe Difference Between Bulk and Absolute DensityChemisorptionIntroduction to Chemisorption Analysis and TheoryChemisorption Analysis by Static and Dynamic MethodsTemperature Programmed AnalysisTPx InstrumentationExamples of Temperature Programmed ReductionChanging Analytical Conditions of TPx Experiments
MCA Services Resources – Discover MoreAtMCAServiceswealwaysseektopromotethephysicalcharacterisationofmaterialsusingawiderangeofanalyticaltechniques,thatareoften usedincombinationinordertomaximisetheunderstandingoftheporousnatureofasamplematerial.Theseanalyticaltechniquesprovidea wealthofinformationwhichwearealwayshappytointerpretwithourclientsandpartners:identifyingthemostappropriaterepresentationof samplepropertiesinrelationtospecificapplications.Sometimesagreaterunderstandingoftheanalyticaltechniqueisrequired,includingthe operationofinstrumentationandthetheoreticalfoundationsofmeasurementsanddatapresentation.Toassistthis,ourYouTubechannelhasa rangeofpresentationsaimednotonlyatexistingandpotentialclientsandpartnersbutalsothoseseekingmoreinformationofthetechniques.A brief summary of the presentations currently available is shown below and we are continuing to add more.
At MCA Services we are continually undertaking in-house research into the use of our analytical techniques for the characterisation of materials applicable to a diverse range of sectors and applications. Our aim is to discover the significance and relationships between porosity and performance, discovering novel characterisation and data interpretation methods to better understand formulation, manufacture and application.
PharmaceuticalsPorosity within solid dosage forms is known to directly influence dissolution and disintegration rates, these being critical parameters dictating efficacy. Furthermore, the physical characteristics of powder blends and the tableting process affect the nature of final tablet porosity. We have investigated these links over many years and continue to research this both in-house and with our clients and partners. We are particularly proud of two Crest Gold Awards obtained by our work placement students for projects investigating the relationships between porosity and tablet dissolution rate. Extensive in-house research has also been undertaken regarding gas adsorption behaviour of magnesium stearate, an extremely common excipient. Ultimately we show that BET Surface Area measurement, a commonly applied QC tool, is problematic when using nitrogen and that krypton adsorption provides a more accurate and reliable method. The causes, effects and recommendations are available through three peer reviewed publications. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2017.08.00310.1016/j.powtec.2018.10.03510.1016/j.ijpharm.2019.118522
Battery and Green Technology The understanding of material porosity is of fundamental importance to the function of many applications within the vast and growing sectors of renewable energy, power sources and green technology. At MCA Services we are working to develop analytical and data interpretation methods to assist in this understanding. Our aims are to characterise porosity throughout the ranges of micro- meso- and macro-pores with particular emphasis on material processing methods and ultimate performance. For this we have successfully applied both porosimetry and chemisorption techniques. We are particularly proud of two Crest Gold Awards obtained by our work placement students for projects investigating gas storage capacity of micro-porous materials. We are currently investigating the application of mercury porosimetry to the characterisation of the porosity of electrode systems and gas sorption to the characterisation of materials for gas storage and sequestration. In-house research has been conducted into the application of analytical techniques to hydrogen storage and can be viewed via the links below. Characterisation of micro-porous materialsMeasurement of heat of adsorption from gas sorption isotherms
MCA Services
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MCA Services Resources – Discover MoreAtMCAServiceswealwaysseektopromotethephysical characterisationofmaterialsusingawiderangeofanalytical techniques,thatareoftenusedincombinationinorderto maximisetheunderstandingoftheporousnatureofasample material.Theseanalyticaltechniquesprovideawealthof informationwhichwearealwayshappytointerpretwithour clientsandpartners:identifyingthemostappropriate representationofsamplepropertiesinrelationtospecific applications.Sometimesagreaterunderstandingoftheanalytical techniqueisrequired,includingtheoperationofinstrumentation andthetheoreticalfoundationsofmeasurementsanddata presentation.Toassistthis,ourYouTubechannelhasarangeof presentationsaimednotonlyatexistingandpotentialclientsand partnersbutalsothoseseekingmoreinformationofthe techniques.Abriefsummaryofthepresentationscurrently available is shown below and we are continuing to add more.
Mercury PorosimetryIntroduction to Mercury PorosimetrySample Selection and HandlingSample AnalysisGas SorptionIntroduction to Gas Sorption IsothermsIntroduction to BET Surface AreaKrypton vs Nitrogen BET Surface AreaCalculation of BET Surface Area Types of Gas Adsorption and Desorption IsothermsInterpretation of Gas Adsorption / Desorption IsothermsHysteresis in Gas Sorption IsothermsGas Pycnometry How to Measure Absolute / True DensityHow to Measure Bulk / Envelope DensityThe Difference Between Bulk and Absolute DensityChemisorptionIntroduction to Chemisorption Analysis and TheoryChemisorption Analysis by Static and Dynamic MethodsTemperature Programmed AnalysisTPx InstrumentationExamples of Temperature Programmed ReductionChanging Analytical Conditions of TPx Experiments
At MCA Services we are continually undertaking in-house research into the use of our analytical techniques for the characterisation of materials applicable to a diverse range of sectors and applications. Our aim is to discover the significance and relationships between porosity and performance, discovering novel characterisation and data interpretation methods to better understand formulation, manufacture and application.
PharmaceuticalsPorosity within solid dosage forms is known to directly influence dissolution and disintegration rates, these being critical parameters dictating efficacy. Furthermore, the physical characteristics of powder blends and the tableting process affect the nature of final tablet porosity. We have investigated these links over many years and continue to research this both in-house and with our clients and partners. We are particularly proud of two Crest Gold Awards obtained by our work placement students for projects investigating the relationships between porosity and tablet dissolution rate. Extensive in-house research has also been undertaken regarding gas adsorption behaviour of magnesium stearate, an extremely common excipient. Ultimately we show that BET Surface Area measurement, a commonly applied QC tool, is problematic when using nitrogen and that krypton adsorption provides a more accurate and reliable method. The causes, effects and recommendations are available through three peer reviewed publications. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2017.08.00310.1016/j.powtec.2018.10.03510.1016/j.ijpharm.2019.118522
Battery and Green Technology The understanding of material porosity is of fundamental importance to the function of many applications within the vast and growing sectors of renewable energy, power sources and green technology. At MCA Services we are working to develop analytical and data interpretation methods to assist in this understanding. Our aims are to characterise porosity throughout the ranges of micro- meso- and macro-pores with particular emphasis on material processing methods and ultimate performance. For this we have successfully applied both porosimetry and chemisorption techniques. We are particularly proud of two Crest Gold Awards obtained by our work placement students for projects investigating gas storage capacity of micro-porous materials. We are currently investigating the application of mercury porosimetry to the characterisation of the porosity of electrode systems and gas sorption to the characterisation of materials for gas storage and sequestration. In-house research has been conducted into the application of analytical techniques to hydrogen storage and can be viewed via the links below:Characterisation of micro-porous materialsMeasurement of heat of adsorption from gas sorption isotherms