Silver Chloride Powder - BGSC(ST)-2MCA Services manufactures an especially fine grade of high purity silver chloride powder.Key Applications•Ag / AgCl reference systems•Biosensor applications•General electrochemical systems•Biocide applicationsOur silver chloride has been developed to meet the exacting requirements of electrochemical and medical applications.Key Benefits•High purity•Fine particle size (typically < 10 microns d50)•High surface area•Long shelf life•Excellent electrochemical performance•Easy dispersion for printing techniques•Available in commercial quantitiesProduct Technical Data Sheets are available on request.MCA Services has received four UK Dti SMART Awards for innovative technology and our products are therefore unique.
Silver Chloride Powder - BGSC(ST)-2MCA Services manufactures an especially fine grade of high purity silver chloride powder.Key Applications•Ag / AgCl reference systems•Biosensor applications•General electrochemical systems•Biocide applicationsOur silver chloride has been developed to meet the exacting requirements of electrochemical and medical applications.Key Benefits•High purity•Fine particle size (typically < 10 microns d50)•High surface area•Long shelf life•Excellent electrochemical performance•Easy dispersion for printing techniques•Available in commercial quantitiesProduct Technical Data Sheets are available on request.MCA Services has received four UK Dti SMART Awards for innovative technology and our products are therefore unique.